Kaynaklı çelik boru

JIS G3456 Carbon Steel Seamless & ERW Pipe

JIS G3456 Carbon Steel Pipes are specially designed for situations where high working pressures and temperatures above 350℃ are required. They are used in a wide range of fields such as boilers, power, machinery, gas tanks, chemical engineering, offshore and petroleum engineering.

We offer both Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) ve Dikişsiz borular, produced by hot-working or cold-working manufacturing processes. ERW pipes and seamless pipes have the same outer diameter range from 15.0 to 660mm. The wall thickness of ERW pipes is 2 to 20mm and the wall thickness of seamless pipes is 2 to 50mm.

The steel grades we offer are STPT370, STPT410 ve STPT480. The pipes are available with plain or beveled ends and we can provide custom lengths as required.

We ensure that our pipes meet the strict standards of JIS G3456, providing reliable and long-lasting solutions for your pipe needs.

Ücretsiz Teklif Alın


Standart JIS G 3456
Prosedür ERW, SMLS
Boyutlar 10.5-660.4mm
Kalınlık 1,7 mm - 52 mm
Birim Uzunluk 3 - 18 mtr
Çelik Sınıfı STPT 370, STPT 410, STPT 480
Yüzey Kaplama Siyah lake kaplama, Vernikleme, Yağlama, Sıcak Daldırma Galvanizleme
FBE, 2PP, 3PP, 2PE, 3PE
Uç Tipi Düz, Eğimli, Dişli, Yivli , Omuzlu
Ortak Yöntem Fitting, Flanş, Kaplin, Kelepçe, Boru Omuzu, Kaynak
Boru İşleme Kaynak, Bükme, Delik Delme, Delme, Swaging, Konikleştirme, Genişletme


Dış Çap mm Nominal Duvar Kalınlığı mm
SCH10 SCH20 SCH30 SCH40 SCH60 SCH80 SCH100 SCH120 SCH140 SCH160
10.5 - - - 1.7 - 2.4 - - - -
13.8 - - - 2.2 - 3 - - - -
17.3 - - - 2.3 - 3.2 - - - -
21.7 - - - 2.8 - 3.7 - - - 4.7
27.2 - - - 2.9 - 3.9 - - - 5.5
34 - - - 3.4 - 4.5 - - - 6.4
42.7 - - - 3.6 - 4.9 - - - 6.4
48.6 - - - 3.7 - 5.1 - - - 7.1
60.5 - - - 3.9 - 5.5 - - - 8.7
76.3 - - - 5.2 - 7 - - - 9.5
89.1 - - - 5.5 - 7.6 - - - 11.1
101.6 - - - 5.7 - 8.1 - - - 12.7
114.3 - - - 6 - 8.6 - 11.1 - 13.5
139.8 - - - 6.6 - 9.5 - 12.7 - 15.9
165.2 - - - 7.1 - 11 - 14.3 - 18.2
216.3 - 6.4 7 8.2 10.3 12.7 15.1 18.2 20.6 23
267.4 - 6.4 7.8 9.3 12.7 15.1 18.2 21.4 25.4 28.6
318.5 - 6.4 8.4 10.3 14.3 17.4 21.4 25.4 28.6 33.3
355.6 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.1 15.1 19 23.8 27.8 31.8 35.7
406.4 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 16.7 21.4 26.2 30.9 36.5 40.5
457.2 6.4 7.9 11.1 14.3 19 23.8 29.4 34.9 39.7 45.2
508 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.1 20.6 26.2 32.5 38.1 44.4 50
558.8 - - - 15.9 22.2 28.6 34.9 41.3 47.6 54
609.6 - - - 17.5 24.6 31 38.9 46 52.4 59.5
660.4 - - - 18.9 26.4 34 41.6 49.1 56.6 64.2

Kimyasal Gereksinim

Sınıfın Belirlenmesi C Si Mn P S
STPT 370 0,25 maks. 0,10 ila 0,35 0,30 ila 0,90 0,035 maks. 0,035 maks.
STPT 410 0,30 maks. 0,10 ila 0,35 0.30 ila 1.00 0,035 maks. 0,035 maks.
STPT 480 0,33 maks. 0,10 ila 0,35 0.30 ila 1.00 0,035 maks. 0,035 maks.

Mekanik Gereksinim

Sınıfın Belirlenmesi Çekme Dayanımı N/mm2 Akma Noktası veya Prova Gerilmesi N/mm2
STPT 370 370 dakika. 215 dakika.
STPT 410 410 dakika. 245 dakika.
STPT 480 480 dk. 275 dakika.

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