Какой тип труб используется для пожарных спринклерных систем?

Fire Sprinkler System Pipe Material


The companies should assess the qualities of the pipe material while installing a fire sprinkler system, such as high strength, high melting points, and rust resistance. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has certain standards for these pipe materials. A pipe material that fulfills these standards is an appropriate pipe that will remain intact and not suffer any leakage. Selecting a pipe that ensures the reliability and durability of the system. The fire sprinkler system usually uses steel and copper pipes for installation, and it has an epoxy coating that makes the pipe more beneficial in harsh conditions. The installation of the system uses different kinds of materials for sprinkler pipes. Here are the names of all kinds.

Стальная труба

Медная труба


Iron pipe

Details regarding every pipe material are as follows:

1. Steel pipe

Steel pipes are helpful for this purpose because they have a high melting point of 1400°C-1500°C which is very important for a fire sprinkler system. The corrosion sustainability point for steel pipes is around 120C. As it is known that it is a security system that triggers the presence of smoke or fire, the fitting and joints in the pipes should be made very precisely so there will be no leakage. The criteria of steel increase by adding other metals to improve their properties.

a) Carbon Steel Pipe

Steel pipes with carbon as an alloy are known as carbon steel pipes. They contain about 0.05% to 2.5% carbon. Low- and high-carbon steel have melting points of 1400, while high-carbon steel has melting points up to 1580. Carbon gives the steel the strength and ability to bear the water pressure in the case of the system’s activation. People use carbon steel pipes in their commercial and residential buildings, which provide the protection and high performance required in fire sprinkler systems.

b) Galvanized Steel Pipe

Galvanizing is the process in which steel sheets are layered with other materials. The layer of zinc is coated onto the surface of the steel. The steel sheets are dipped into the molten zinc, which will form a chemical bond with the steel layer. That increases the tensile strength of the steel pipes or sheets up to 510–600 MPa. The zinc coating provides extra resistance to flammability, reactivity, and toxicity. The layer usually deteriorates with time, which makes steel more prone to rust.

c) Black Steel Pipe

Companies must know that the preferable kind of steel for sprinkler pipes is black steel. A high carbon content of 0.25% and a manganese content ranging from 0.95% to 1.44% are found in black steel. The combination of carbon and manganese makes the steel pipes stronger. Rust resistivity is a very high 120C factor, and the melting point is 1400-1580 degrees. The coefficient of thermal expansion is just 0.63 inches, which means that the size of the black steel pipe remains the same if heated at high temperatures.

d) Stainless Steel Pipe

Chromium and nickel alloys make stainless steel pipes. All steel pipe categories are very rigid, with very low flexibility for sizes like 3.7. Stainless steel is not very flexible, strong, or rust-resistant. Stainless steel pipes are installed in areas where they are exposed to UV light that will not compromise their chemical composition. They are a preferred choice for fire sprinkler systems.

e) Alloy Steel Pipe

Adding different materials like chromium, molybdenum, and nickel to steel pipes increases their strength and resistance to rust. These pipes are installed in the fire sprinkler system where the conditions are extreme, and pressure is high.

2. Copper Pipe

Copper sprinkler pipes are pretty expensive, but they are a cost-effective solution for the system after installation. A flexibility coefficient of 2.4 makes copper more flexible than steel. Copper has a melting point of around 1000 degrees Celsius, which is very low compared to steel pipes. Copper has a high value of 150C factors for rust resistance, so there is no need for frequent maintenance. The size change due to heat for copper is around 1.4-1.5 inches.

3. CPVC/PVC Pipe

With advancing technology, every industry’s preference for PVC pipes has increased. People in business know that polyvinyl chloride pipes are very easy to install, and very economical as compared to other steel pipes. PVC has a very low melting point of 100-120 degrees Celsius. PVC pipes have many advantages but cannot handle the pressure and temperature applied due to the water used during the sprinkler process.

4. Iron Pipe

Cast iron and ductile iron are two kinds of iron pipes that people use in the fire sprinkler system. These two kinds of iron have different melting points and corrosion resistance. Cast iron pipes have been used in the sprinkler system since ancient times due to their ability to withstand pressure and temperature. On the other hand, the flexibility and strength of ductile iron make them suitable for areas requiring a lot of bending.

Which type of pipe is best for fire sprinkler systems?

Almost 70% of commercial and residential projects for a fire sprinkler system usually run out of order after 12 -13 years. Material corrosion is the main concern for these systems. Materials with high melting points are preferable choices. So, black steel pipes are the most appropriate option for the fire sprinkler system as these pipes have low cost, high strength, highest melting points, and high corrosion resistance.