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ASTM a192 Seamless Carbon Steel Tube

Visão geral padrão:

ASTM A192 specification covers seamless carbon steel boiler tubes for high pressure service. The standard outlines the requirements for manufacturing, testing, and quality assurance. This ensures the pipes have the needed properties and dimensions. They need them for safe and efficient use in high pressure.

Materiais principais:

Seamless Carbon Steel

Escopo de aplicação:

ASTM A192 seamless carbon steel pipes are mainly used in boiler and superheater systems, which must withstand high pressure and high temperature.

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ASTM A192 Specification

  • Padrão: ASTM A192
  • Procedimento: SMLS
  • Dimensões: 12.7-177.8mm, 1/2″-7″
  • Espessura: 2.2mm – 25.4mm
  • Comprimento da unidade: specific, random
  • Grau de aço: A192, SA192
  • Revestimento de superfície: Envernizamento, lubrificação, galvanização por imersão a quente
  • Tipo de extremidade: Corte quadrado, liso, chanfrado, rosqueado, soquete,
  • Método conjunto: Conexão, flange, acoplamento, braçadeira, ombro de tubo, soldagem
  • Usinagem de tubos: Soldagem, dobra, perfuração de furos, puncionamento, estampagem, afunilamento, alargamento, expansão


Diâmetro externo:1⁄2 in. to 7 in. [12.7 to 177.8 mm]
Espessura da parede:0.085 to 1.000 in. [2.2 to 25.4 mm]
Tubos com outras dimensões podem ser fornecidos, desde que estejam em conformidade com todos os outros requisitos desta especificação.

Requisito químico

ASTM A192/A192M pipes comply with the strict chemical composition requirements. They contain the precise amounts of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon, ensuring the pipes’ robustness, durability, and corrosion resistance. This guarantees a product capable of withstanding the demands of high-pressure environments.

Composição química
Carbono, %0.06-0.18
Manganês, %0.27-0.63
Fósforo, máximo, %0.035
Enxofre, máximo, %0.035
Silicon, max, %0.25

Requisitos mecânicos

We perform a range of mechanical tests on our ASTM A192/A192M pipes, including flattening, flaring, hardness, and hydrostatic tests. These tests validate that our pipes can endure the challenges of high-pressure service, providing you with a dependable and durable product.

Propriedades de tração
Resistência à tração, min, ksi [MPa]47 [325]
Resistência ao escoamento, min, ksi [MPa]26 [180]
Alongamento em 2 pol. ou 50 mm, mín., %35

Por que escolher a UNIASEN?

  • At UNIASEN, we oversee every stage of the production process, from raw material selection to the final product, ensuring that every pipe meets our high standards.
  • The UNIASEN team is ready to assist you in selecting the right steel grade for your application, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
  • The pipes meet the most stringent chemical composition standards for elements such as carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon. Our pipe hardness values ​​are within the specified range, guaranteeing robustness and longevity.
  • We perform exhaustive mechanical tests, including flattening, flaring, hardness and hydrostatic tests, to ensure that our pipes meet the highest quality and safety standards.
  • ASTM A192/A192M pipes are available in a variety of specifications to meet different requirements. The dimensions are carefully calibrated for seamless integration into a variety of systems.
  • A variety of steel grades, surface coatings, end types and connection methods are available to meet your specific needs.

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